Monday, September 30, 2019

Perfume Analysis

FACH2702 Practical Analysis of imposter perfumes Aim: To determine which out of 4 unknown samples are genuine perfumes, and which are imposter/fake perfumes. This will be done by analysing gas chromatography plots, and comparing the components in the samples to that of a known standard perfume. Results: To determine which of the four sample perfumes where imposter and which were real, components present in each perfume were analysed using gas chromatography and compared to the known real perfume sample. The components identified for comparison included vanillin, 3-penten-2-one, diethyl phthalate and cyclopentanaecetic acid.The relative concentration of each of the components in the samples was calculated for comparison. In the control sample, the relative concentration of each of these components were calculated using the area under each of the peaks (appendix 3): The same was done for unknown perfume sample 1 and it was found that while the relative concentrations of each component were close to the control perfume, they were not close enough to conclude that the sample was a real perfume, (however a very good rip off). (appendix 4)After analysing perfume sample 2, we could conclude that this sample was an imposter perfume as there was a significant increase in both 3-pentan-2-one and cyclopentanaecetic acid, to substitute for the loss in diethyl phthalate. (appendix 5). Sample 3 showed relative concentrations of each compound that were very close to the control sample, hence it was classed as a real perfume (appendix 6) It was found that sample 4’s relative concentrations of each component were completely off that of the control perfume, hence it is an imposter perfume. appendix 7) Discussion: There weren’t many areas for errors in this practical that would be attributed to our own human error. The gas chromatographer itself was very repeatable and hence the only error in the computers results would be due to a calibration error. Another error i n this experiment could be linked to the preparation of the samples, some components in the perfumes are very volatile and hence if the cap were left off the perfume, concentrations of those components would decrease, altering the detection during analysis.Conclusion: Using Gas chromatography, the components vanillin, diethyl phthalate, 3-pentan-2-one and cyclopentanaecetic acid were analysed in four samples and their relative concentrations were calculated and compared to a known control perfume sample. From these calculations, it was concluded that samples 1,2 and 4 were imposter perfumes, while sample 3 had very similar relative concentrations of its compounds and was hence classed as a real perfume.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sample design for Blackberry

In sampling, an element is the object (or person) about which or from which the information is desired. In survey research, the element is usually the respondent. A population Is the total of all the elements that share some common set of characterlstlcs. Element: Objects that possess the information the researcher seeks and about which the researcher will make inferences. Population: The aggregate of all elements, sharing some common set of characteristics, that comprise the universe for the purpose of the marketing research roblem.The researcher can obtain Information about population parameters by taking either a census or a sample. Census: a complete enumaration of the elements of a population or study objects. Sample: A subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study. sample Large Time available Population size the characteristics Conditions Favoring the use of Factors census Budget Short Large Small small Long Small Variance in Large Cost of s ampling error High Cost of nonsampllng errors High Low Nature of measurement Nondestructive Attention to individual cases NoAdvantages of Sampling Sampling saves time and money Sampling saves labor. Destructive Yes A sample coverage permits a higher overall level of adequacy than a full enumeration. Complete census Is often unnecessary, wasteful. and the burden on the public. 1) Define the Population: Sampling design begins by specifying the target population, which should be defined in terms of elements, sampling units, extent and time frame. Population/Target population: This is any complete, or the theoretically specified aggregation of study elements. It is usually the ideal population or universe to which esearch results are to be generalized.Survey population: This is an operational definition of the target population; that is target population with explicit exclusions-for example the population accessible, excluding those outside the country. Element (similar to unit of analy sis): This is that unit about which information is collected and that provides the basis of analysis. In survey research, elements are people or certain types of people. Sampling unit: This is that element or set of elements considered for selection in some stage of sampling (same as the elements, in a simple single-stage sample).In a ulti-stage sample, the sampling unit could be blocks, households, and individuals within the households. Extent: This refers to geographical boundaries. Time frame: The time frame is the time period of interest. In our case; Population/ target population = Blackberry users Survey population = Blackberry users between the age of 18-24, which refers to university students regarding the demographical factors. Elements = Blackberry users who are university students Sampling Unit = Blackberry users in the Business Administration Faculty of Istanbul University. Extent = Business Administration Faculty of Istanbul UniversityTime Frame = 2 weeks between 4-15 N ovember Given the large size of the target population and limited time and money, it was clearly not TeaslDle to Intervlew tne entlre BlacKDerry users, tnat Is, to take a census. So a sample was taken, and a subgroup of the population was selected for participation in the research. Our sample/ subgroup can be seen above. 2) Determine the Sampling Frame: A sampling frame is a representation of the elements of the target population. To be specific, this is the actual list of sampling units from which the sample, or some stage of the sample, is selected.It is simply a list of the study population. Sampling frame of our case = List of the students in the Business Administration Faculty of Istanbul University. 3) Select a Sampling Technique: Selecting a sampling technique involves choosing nonprobability or probability sampling. Nonprobability sampling : relies on the personal Judgement of researcher, rather than chance in selecting sample elements. Convenience Sampling: as the name impl ies, involves obtaining a sample of elements based on the convenience of the researcher. The selection of sampling units is left primarily to the interviewer.Convenience sampling has the advantages of being both inexpensive and fast. Additionally, the sampling units tend to be accessible, easy to measure, and cooperative. Judgement Sampling: The researcher selects the sample based on Judgement. This is usually and extension of convenience sampling. For example, a researcher may decide to draw the entire sample from one â€Å"representative† city, even though the population includes all cities. When using this method, the researcher must be confident that the chosen sample is truly representative of the entire population.Quota Sampling: introduces two stages to the Judgemental sampling process. The first stage consists of developing control categories, or quotas, of population elements. Using Judgement to identify relevant categories such as age, sex, or race, the researcher e stimates the distribution of these characteristics in the target population. Once the quotas have been assigned, the second stage of the sampling process takes place. Elements are selected using a convenience of Judgement process. Considerable freedom exists in selecting the elements to be included in the sample.The only requirement is that the elements that are selected fit the control characteristics. Snowball sampling: is a special nonprobability method used when the desired sample characteristic is rare. It may be extremely difficult or cost prohibitive to locate respondents in these situations. Snowball sampling relies on referrals from initial subjects to generate additional subjects. While this technique can dramatically lower search costs, it comes at the expense of introducing bias because the technique itself reduces tne II population.Kellnooa tnat tne sample wlll represent a good ross section Trom tne Probability sampling: in this kind sampling elements are selected by ch ance, that is, randomly. The probability of selecting each potential sample from a population can be prespecified. Simple Random Sampling: is the purest form of probability sampling. Each member of the population has an equal and known chance of being selected. When there are very large populations, it is often difficult or impossible to identify every member of the population, so the pool of available subjects becomes biased. Systematic Random Sampling: is often used instead of random sampling.It is also alled an Nth name selection technique. After the required sample size has been calculated, every Nth record is selected from a list of population members. As long as the list does not contain any hidden order, this sampling method is as good as the random sampling method. Its only advantage over the random sampling technique is simplicity. Systematic sampling is frequently used to select a specified number of records from a computer file. Stratified Random Sampling: is commonly use d probability method that is superior to random sampling because it reduces sampling error.A stratum is a subset of the opulation that share at least one common characteristic. Examples of stratums might be males and females, or managers and non-managers. The researcher first identifies the relevant stratums and their actual representation in the population. Random sampling is then used to select a sufficient number of subjects from each stratum. â€Å"Sufficient† refers to a sample size large enough for us to be reasonably confident that the stratum represents the population. Stratified sampling is often used when one or more of the stratums in the population have a low incidence relative to the other stratums.Cluster Sampling: may be used when it is either impossible or impractical to compile an exhaustive list of the elements that make up the target population. Usually, however, the population elements are already grouped into subpopulations and lists of those subpopulatio ns already exist or can be created. For example, let's say the target population in a study was church members in the United States. There is no list of all church members in the country. The researcher could, however, create a list of churches in the United States, choose a sample of churches, and then obtain lists f members from those churches. ) Determine the Sample Size: The statistical approaches to determining sample size are based on confidence intervals. These approaches may involve the estimation of the mean or proportion. When estimating the mean, determination of sample size using a confidence interval approach requires a specification of precision level, confidence level, and population standard deviation. In the case of proportion, the precision level, confidence level, and an estimate of the population proportion must De speclTlea. I ne sample size aetermlnea statlstlcally represents ne Tlnal or net sample size that must be achieved.In order to achieve this final sampl e size, a much greater number of potential respondents have to be contacted to account for reduction in response due to incidence rates and completion rates. Non-response error arises when some of the potential respondents included in the sample did not respond. The primary causes of low response rates are refusals and not-at-homes. Refusal rates may be reduced by prior notification, motivating the respondents, incentives, proper questionnaire design and administration, and follow- up. The percentage of not-at-homes can be substantially reduced by callbacks.Adjustments for non-response can be made by subsampling non-respondents, replacement, substitution, subjective estimates, trend analysis, weighting, and imputation. The statistical estimation of sample size is even more complicated in international marketing research, as the population variance may differ from one country to the next. A preliminary estimation of population variance for the purpose of determining the sample size a lso has ethical ramifications. The Internet and computers can assist n determining the sample size and adjusting it to a count for expected incidence and completion rates.Sampling distribution: the distribution of the values of a sample statistic computed for each possible sample that could be drawn from the target population under a specified sampling plan. Statistical inference: the process of generalizing the sample results to the population results. Normal distribution: a basis for classical statistical inference that is bell shaped and symmetrical and appearance. Its measures of central tendency are all identical. Standard error: the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean or proportion.Z values: the number of standard errors in point is away from the mean Incidence rate: the rate of occurrence of persons eligible to participate in a study expressed as a percentage Completion rate: the percentage of qualified respondents to complete the interview. It enables researchers to take into account anticipated refusals by people who qualify Substitution: a procedure that substitutes for nonrespondents other elements from the sampling frame that are expected to respond I rena analysis: a metnoa 0T a0Justlng Tor nonresponaents In wnlcn tne researcner tries to discern a trend between early and late respondents.This trend is projected to nonrespondents to estimate their characteristic of interest Weighting: statistical procedure that attempts to account for non-response by assigning differential weight to the data depending on the response rate Imputation: a method to adjust for non-response by assigning to characteristic of interest to the nonrespondents based on the similarity of the variables available for both nonrespondents and respondents.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Study Of The Use Of Microelectromechanical Systems

A Study Of The Use Of Microelectromechanical Systems In this paper, microelectromechanical system (MEMS) has been utilized to make miniaturized ion optics required for making the portable all-in-one mass spectrometer. Four different ion optics components were fabricated using deep-reactive ion etching (DRIE) of n-doped silicon-on-insulator. These components are 1 mm Bradbury-Nielsen gate, 500 Â µm coaxial ring ion trap (CRITter), reflectron optics and 500 Â µm Einzel lens. The Bradbury-Nielsen gate was made using a pattern of alternating electrode wires which either allows ions to pass or stop through the gate. The CRITter was made using five trapping rings and two end caps to make mass selection ion optics and it was also used in testing the alignment capability of fabrication process. The reflectron optics was made using a assembly of fifteen rectangular elements arranged in series. The fourth ion optics component was assembled MEMS Einzel lens which consisted of three lenses. It was used to focus the ions beam to increase the ion current and detectability. All the components were tested using ion produced with 70 eV EI ionization. These assemblies were characterized in terms of breakdown voltage, durability, and alignment. For current devices, the breakdown voltage was reported 750 V. The CRITter was tested with 1% toluene at pressure of 1 x 10-4 Torr. The resolution was limited due to the alignment errors and also aberration in etched designs got more impactful as the size of the ion trap was reduced. Current reflectron optics was not capable of resolving the peaks of toluene. Therefore, in the future analyzer path length will be increased by using multiple reflectrons. These miniaturized components were assembled using an encoded piezo-manipulator with pick and place capability. Resolution and ion attenuation was found to be the greatest concern of the current design at present. Fox, J.; Saini, R.; Tsui, K.; Verbeck, G., Microelectromechanical system assembled ion optics: An advance to miniaturization and assembly of electron and ion optics. Review of Scientific Instruments 2009, 80 (9), 093302. In this paper, a soft landing (SL) instrument has been developed with capability of depositing the ions onto the substrate for preparative analysis. The two important components of this instrument are custom made drift tube and two split rings. The drift tube is consist of 18 concentric rings along with two split rings at the end. The drift tube was filled with an inert buffer gas like He and operated from 1 to 100 Torr of pressure. High pressure gas thermalized the cluster ions on collision to 0.01 to 1.0 eV kinetic energy and separate the clusters formed by laser ablation. This helped in further analysis of deposited clusters on mica surface. Two functions of split-ring are to direct the cluster ions towards either detector or a landing surface. This instrument works on the principle of narrowing the kinetic energy of ions going through drift tube to prevent the fragmentation on landing. The gating function of split ring was performed using a homemade pulsing circuit that changes t he voltage across the split ring. The SL instruments was built with a quick door CF flange which reduced the number of gaskets required and helped in holding, adjusting and removing the detector and landing surface from the instrument without disassembling the instrument. A simple Faraday plate was used in SL instrument as detector. A 15 mm mica disk used for atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used as landing surface. Split ring pulsing helped in selecting and isolating the specific ion clusters. For initial experiments copper was used as analyte and it was ionized using laser ablation using ND-YAG laser. Mass spectrum of Copper was reported to have multiple peaks due to Cun+, CunOm+ ions formation in the presence of O2 as contaminant. After the cluster deposition on mica surface, surface was analyzed using AFM and was compared with the physical vapor deposition (PVD). In the future, other landing surfaces like gold, silicon, and highly ordered pyrolytic graphite can be used to bette r understand the deposition mechanism.

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Small Place By Jamaica Kincaid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Small Place By Jamaica Kincaid - Essay Example We analyze every bit of her approach using careful consideration of possibilities and methods that she could have used. A unique way to create a personal touch in a narrative that is created to be a social bookmark, the author’s personal voice which keeps the reader acquainted with her thinking and experiences provide new reading experience indeed. Many argue that if she would have used a third person narrative, the book would have touched a higher realm of intellectual thinking and presentation of history. The process however, is reversed here. Both the fields of history and literature take a bow on this highly original creation by a native of Antigua and it is through the subjective narration of facts and happenings that the chapters in history come slowly forward to us. Using an objective narration would have only allowed the events to be chronologically set in a neutral backdrop, while her subjective narration instantly familiarizes the reader with the bias that she holds towards considering her country’s people more precious than tourists and outsiders. It may sound odd to the wors hipper of white power initially, but her conviction in the superiority of the natives and the inferiority and misery of the colonizers. The need to keep tourists reminded of the colonized past of Antigua has propelled the narrative to a direction wherein the writer is convinced that every white tourist that walks in her motherland is a descendent of the brutes of the past, who had initially walked in as a tourist but had eventually colonized the place and tried to turn it into England, the lad that they belonged to and adorned. History is replete with such incidences and if Jamaica has chosen to eye every tourist with the same perspective as the slaves saw the colonizers, then the entire picture, though brutal, still appears justified. We

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Write a paper to compare the external and internal forces, how do Term

Write a to compare the external and internal forces, how do earthquakes and vocanoes develope can we predict their occurance - Term Paper Example They also help in the determination of the distribution of the surface and ground water (A Living Planet 19), and the shape of the deserts and features such as sandbars (FCAT Science 187). The formation of the soil occurs as a result of erosion and weathering (A Living Planet 20). Erosion can be of many types, such as water erosion, wind erosion, glacial erosion, and loess formation (A Living Planet 20). The process of weathering could be mechanical or chemical (A Living Planet 19). Other external forces include tornadoes, hurricanes, and water runoff (FCAT Science). On the other hand, the internal forces of the earth result in the formation of deep seafloor features (FCAT Science 175), along with the formation of landscape structures such as mountain ridges, fault lines, and phenomena such as volcanoes and earthquakes (FCAT Science 176). The internal forces can be attributed to the movement of the lithosphere which is explained most satisfactorily by the plate tectonics theory (FCAT Science 178). It states that the crust or the lithosphere of the earth is divided into twenty plates (FCAT Science 178), which are dynamic in nature due to the movement of underlying magma in the asthenosphere below (FCAT Science 178). Their movements include sliding, colliding, convergent, and divergent movements (FCAT Science 178). Divergent movements, in which the plates move away from each other (FCAT Science 179), have resulted in the formation of the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge and the Atlantic ocean seafloor (FCAT Science 179). As the crust is pulled apart, it r esults in earthquakes (FCAT Science 179). Convergent movements occur when the plates move towards each other (FCAT Science 180), resulting in the

Non-Traditional Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Non-Traditional Advertising - Essay Example One common example linked to narrowcasting is the use of electronic mailing lists used over the internet. Internet users get to subscribe to mails or newsletters from websites they frequent or post web content parallel to their areas of interests. For instance, I receive emails and newsletters from business blog and news sites such as the Huffington Post, an online news that offers news and content on technology, environment, business, politics and lifestyle among others. The emails received from the sites are usually coupled with links to the specific content as requested. The email provides the reader with the headlines and links to their web content, which the reader has the freedom to open and explore more. As such, I find the mailing lists overly resourceful and I receive them positively since I get the chance to access information with one click of a button. The mails and advertisements received in such a manner are long lasting and it is only upon deletion that the data is dis carded. From my point of view, the method is effective since the information is only displayed to interested parties and usually gets the attention it requires to be effective. This method of advertising or promoting products heavily relies on innovation and creativity to have the message delivered to the intended audiences. Companies get to design advertisements that the public may find it difficult to ignore. An example of such a demonstration was a blue leather couch I saw in a hall, the couch was divided into two parts – A rough side and a smooth side.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Find this article and answer this questions Schwarz, K., Mion, P., &

Find this and answer this questions Schwarz, K., Mion, P., & Litman, G. ( 2007). Telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers - Article Example The depth of the study profoundly affects the researcher’s preference of research design. The Logical similarity has influenced the researchers’ choice of a research design by ensuring the contents of the research model make sense. The sensibility of the research content is analyzed through grave thinking in the study. The researchers consider the logical similarity of his work before selecting a study design. Theoretical clarity has influenced the researchers’ choice of a research design by describing the concepts applied in the study and relating the study’s statement to find out the connection amongst the concepts. The researcher uses theoretical clarity to determine the nature of his study. Level of idea has influenced the researchers’ choice of a research design by ensuring that the ideas are represented in a theoretical model. They have not restricted intensity of idea by time or space, and are not directly measurable. The researcher has considered the level of the idea to be used in electing the research design. Clinical utility has influenced the researchers’ choice of a research design by the relevancy of the research findings to the real world. The research considers the benefits of his study to the real world prior to selecting the research design. View point on cultural competence has influenced the researchers’ choice of a research design by knowing the field they are dealing in more than their customers. The researchers have considered cultural competence before choosing the research design to use in his study. The study can be classified under qualitative study, since it compares the telemonitoring structure to the quality of health measures it has on a patient with constant heart failure. Qualitative study focuses on superiority rather than the magnitude (McDonagh, 2011). The evidence proving that the journal is peer-reviewed is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

China sweat factories pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

China sweat factories pollution - Essay Example The thesis statement of this paper is: Sweatshops in China are unethical because they are causing severe pollution and are destroying the environments surrounding the country. A sweatshop is basically a factory in the clothing industry, in which working conditions are poor and which violates the labor laws as defined by the legislature of the country. Poor working conditions may include unfair wages, child labor, lack of incentives given to the workers, perverse working hours, issues such as sexual or gender harassment, or any other kind of high degree exploitation of workers. Sweatshops even do not provide living wage to the workers, which is required to cover the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. Workers work more than 60 hours per week. The workplace environment of sweatshops is a great stressor for workers. Harassment, intimidation, verbal abuse, and forceful work are important aspects of sweatshops. For example, workers are made to work with dangerous chemicals bare-handed. Developing or under-developed countries have the highest rate of child labor coming out of sweatshops that tend to produce a variety of products, such as clothing, shoes, toys, car gadgets, rugs, carpets, and eatables like chocolate and coffee. Sweatshops in China tend to pollute the air. There are a myriad of reasons behind this. Sweatshops discharge waste materials and toxic chemicals into the air and water. For instance, tons of dyes are discharged into water that causes various diseases. There are a number of sweatshops in China that are responsible for adverse environmental practices that are dangerous to health of workers working in the supplier plants. For example, Foxconn and Lian Jian Technology are some of the Chinese suppliers that work for Apple. These factories regularly violate China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, according to which factories found indulged in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example The UN through the World Health Organization ensures that the malaria drugs reaches its intended destination by coordinating with the local governments to enable an efficient and effective supply chain that is less costly (Chopra & Meindl, 2007). A system is developed that assists in coordination between pharmaceutical manufacturers and procurement agents. The system ensures cost-effectiveness and transparency in the shipment, procurement and drugs delivery. The local government develops capacities including warehousing, distribution and delivery of the drugs to patients. So as to reduce the amount of inventory being held, the just in time (JIT) approach is used and it ensures problems do not come up because of managing large inventories. Inventory management is important in the reduction of the cost of running the supply chain. The malaria supply chain faces a number of challenges in its operation ranging from missing coordination, Inventory management, expiration of drugs due to delays and order management problems. The above mentioned operational challenges facing the supply chain are costly. So as to eliminate or reduce this cost, emphasis must on the implementation of a strategic cost management. It enables the carrying out of cost analysis techniques. The strategy should be focused at standardization of supplies, reduction of inventory, centralized purchasing, and labor automation (Turney,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Experts opinion Essay Example for Free

Experts opinion Essay After reading four of experts opinion, their views can be separate into two. Katherine Franks view and advice seems different from three of others which she thinks Galen was doing a good job whereas the other three are thinking of firing him.  John Brown, who is the director of institutional sales and customer relation at Fortis Investments in Boston, has mainly two points: The boss should outline the clear value and principle of business outgoing and how the value system of the organization integrates with employee and clients. He does agree with build business relationship and trust step by step by using acceptable tactic. There are many other ways can be used in business rather than do something unethical. And be aware the feeling of client for every process during the business, a special gift or sweet regards on the holiday helps the business gaining high marks. Also pay attention of what is the clients religious beliefs or any special need and what may be downright offended of them. Denise Rousseau is a professor in both Carnegie Mellons Heinz School and Tepper School of business in Pittsburgh. Both John Brown and Denise think that value system is very important and considerable factor in business. She advises the Bob to stop Galens job then find some new sale man who can follow the rule. She has also mentioned the aspect of female employees benefit. A good company should create a fair and positive environment for employee to work and do not feel any discrimination in the working. Other wise, sex discrimination can cause a risk of reputation of the company. We always can see that female employee go to the court with the company for their deserved right and benefit. Also the company will pay attention of this sensitive topic for the long term development. Another professor is Das Narayandas from Harvard business school in Boston. His idea is mostly similar with the previous experts. He looks the problem in a serious way that Bob has been holding as a hostage by Galen and Bob need to turn the situation into his way. He thinks the biggest mistake is from the CEO Bob. Also Galen may use the company money to satisfy his own need. I do agree with this view: all the problem is from the leader. Bob need to reform and set up new corn value system of the company and also pass his idea and organization culture to all the employees. And newest concept is the service is important as the product and buyer will focus on the other aspects of company also. Katherine Frank thinks that things like go to stripe club is acceptable in business and two-person sales group would make everyone feel comfortable. She has also indicated that going to strip club can make some customer feel special and relax but not a useful way to generate business because no data can improve that any contract is signed in the club. And also makes some customer feel slightly aberrant and titillating environment. So she does not against to go to strip club but have some doubt of this business tool. How should Bob Turn His Company around? The OptiMotors Industry case reflects to several critical issues that manager must undertake sales management, especially heightening ethical selling. After reading experts comments and arguments and according to the professional reference, Several Advices have been given in below, includes reformation of sales department and improvement of internal competitive advantages.  According to The Harvard business review article How low will you go (2006), and due to prevention of sell man Galens poisonous selling who had taken his client into a stripper club in order to make a important sale, three of four experts in the article think that he should be fired. As it is a serious ethical problem, and this kind of problem seems small at first, or even it brings profit for company, however if it happens in long term cooperation , it would be found one day anyway, and at that time, if the scandal is disclosed, it would be a disaster for Optimotor, which could lead company to a break down result. Therefore, we are taking the expertise (fire ethical seller Galen) as the first step for Bobs auto parts company, in order to appease the debate among sale staffs and rebuild the morale of the sales team. Meanwhile, Bob Carlton, as a CEO of the OptiMotors industries, should recognize how important the sales department is in a successful organization. Thus, the next step is selecting a sales manager over controls sale men. It is indispensable action, because the current sale leader Bob seems not really good at managing his sale people, according his background, he is born technician but had never been referring to too much marketing knowledge in most time of his life. Therefore, Hiring a good sales manager may result in a reduction of his workload and the CEO can spend more time on manufacturing or making big decisions for the firm rather than supervising his personnel sellers which could lead to a worse result.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003

The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003 Monika Karaliunaite Introduction People are exchanging, sharing and using data every day.   Data, meaning information that can be processed automatically or manually.   When it comes to Personal Data which is data relating to a human being who can be identified from the data, Data Protection becomes very important. The Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003 confer rights on individuals as well as placing responsibilities on those persons processing personal data. Data Subject Data Subject or also called Data Receiver is a living individual to whom personal data relates.   Data Protection Acts provide Subjects with certain rights, to enable them to check what data relating to themselves is being held and how or where it is used.   The rights of data subjects †¢The right to establish the existence of personal data †¢The right of access †¢The right of objection †¢The right of rectification The rights come with responsibilities, it is not given to data subjects that they could make enquiries out of just simply being curious. Rather so that they can check what data is being processed on them and whether it is correct.   Ways for Data Subject to ensure rights †¢Tick boxes online (to choose whether your information can be used for any other purpose) †¢Unsubscribe (from notifications, information/offer e-mails etc.) †¢Read term and conditions, when setting up accounts online †¢Avoid to send e-mails containing confidential information †¢BCC- Email Data Controller is the one who controls the content of personal data.   It can be a legal entity like government department or a company, or an individual say, sole trader or a General Practitioner.   Data Controllers are recognised in the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 as having certain responsibilities imposed on them by law. The responsibilities of Data Controller †¢Ensuring that data is obtained lawfully †¢That it is used for the purpose †¢That it is kept safe and secure †¢It is accurate and up to date †¢That it is relevant †¢That it is not disclosed or used for unlawful purposes †¢That it is not stored longer than necessary and provided to the subject on request All data controllers must comply with the rules/ responsibilities above, and some data controllers are obliged to register annually with the Data Protection Commissioner, to make evident their data handling procedures. How Data Controller ensure the responsibilities are carried out and organisations responsibilities Data Controller must make himself aware of his responsibilities relating to Data Protection.   Within organization, the staff should also be made aware of their responsibilities and appropriate induction training should be given.   Internal data protection policy, relevant to the personal data held by the organisation can be put to place, available to the staff.   Policy reflective to the elementary data protection rules, applied to the organisation.   It can then be enforced through consistent reviews and management. Data Processor Data Processor is someone who processes data on behalf data controller.   It does not include someone who is an employee of data controller and processed the data during his employment.   It is rather a subsidiary company contacted by the data controller to manage or process data on its behalf, such as: †¢Payroll Companies †¢Tax advisers †¢Accountants Data Protection Commissioner Data Protection Commissioner is a sole person who enforces Data Protection Act and its compliance.   He can investigate any complaints concerning data protection breech, develop codes of practice and maintains a register of data controllers. There have been cases when supermarkets have passed on their customers data to other companies. When using loyalty cards at supermarkets, we automatically let the company to gather the information about us without even thinking much of it.   Usually to avail of the loyalty card a questionnaire or an application form needs to be filled, so we are passing on some of our personal details to the company, therefore become the Data Subject.   The company now the Data Controller holds some of our information, and with the help of a loyalty card can continue gather information such as; log of purchases. Coming to the point, there have been cases when consumers of a supermarket have been contacted by formula company, by e-mail, advertising and offering their product.   Passing on personal information is considered a noncompliance with Data Protection Act.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Essay About Family: Cutting Strings :: Personal Narrative essay about my family

Cutting Strings I’m in bed, scanning the ceiling for a light that isn’t there. There wasn’t one last night, or the night before, so I shouldn’t have expected anything different than the textured surface that my retinas now scratch across in a long diagonal. The same grey, dried-paint-sharp ceiling that they don’t show in the brochures. Always without a light. Sure, one of those fake-Southwestern lamps with a plastic lamp shade sits beside me on the coffee table, but it’ll just fall with everything else once this island of a motel room shrinks down to a pinpoint and these two beds, those dresser drawers, that mirror, Jessie, Bekah, and my own elusive existence tumble into the empty gap. â€Å"Are they still out there?† I don’t see her, but I imagine my 16-year-old sister Jessie gaping at the blank TV screen, hoping somebody will answer her question. â€Å"Yep,† Bekah rattles off too quickly. That’s right, I realize. Still outside. Probably in the car, pinned under the hard rain. It was raining when we got here. Some firefly of a town at the crossing of two faded freeways in northern Pennsylvania where it snows a lot in the wintertime for the skiers, my dad told me in a watery voice while our minivan hummed down the off-ramp. Watercolor black, I thought while I looked out the window, except for the yellow, splotchy Super-8 sign and the white motel lobby. My two sisters and I brought the luggage down and we’re still waiting for mom and dad like dead puppets, and I’m still wishing for a light fixture. Like the bubble-shaped one that hung in my bedroom about two thousand miles away, before I turned 18 on this family road trip. Before this second act, when my parents stopped flinching their puppet master wrists from above the stage, and so I finally cut my own strings, just to fall flat on my plastic face and deflate like a balloon. The door clicks open. What can I hang on to? The ceiling is blank. â€Å"Mom?† I hear my sister’s drawl and think desperately about a light fixture, this one big, with crystal chains and gold bars. I can feel the mattress slipping below my back. Take your things. Swinging from chandeliers? No, too much. I’d just hold on. â€Å"Take your things and get out,† Mom says. â€Å"You’re sleeping with your dad tonight.† My two sisters and my older brother and I never heard much, but my mother would sometimes tell us about how her parents beat her and did other things too.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Calamitatum Of The Individual Essay -- essays research papers

In the realm of critical thinking, Abelard undoubtedly ranked highly in his day. He was an expert dialectician, philosopher and theologian, and as a result led a movement towards individual thinking. He traveled a lonely path of individuality, and when his ideas were suppressed, he found different ways to express his individuality. The beginning of his life was marked by extreme personal freedom. As his journey through life continued, he found himself compounded with innumerable restrictions. The role of monk could not change Abelard, and his individuality brought him even greater misfortune. He may forewarn others against the risks of such extreme individualism, but his life clearly shows that Abelard thought his individuality was a natural part of him, a part that was as inseparable as his faith.From the beginning of Abelard's Story of my Calamities he portrays himself as an individual. The as oldest child in his family his life was intended for a military career, but as he tells us, he abandoned Mars for Minerva, denouncing the popular and glorious profession of arms for that of learning. In writing this he shows his clever and distinct way of thinking by referring to dialectic, the art of examining options or ideas logically, as a weapon of war. "I chose the weapons of dialectic to all the other teachings of philosophy, and armed with these I chose the conflicts of disputation instead of the trophies of war." (p. 58, ll. 7-9). This is remarkable for the son of a soldier to make such a choice - even renouncing his inheritance - and pursue only intellectual advancement. Leaving home, he traveled off to school in Paris. He was welcomed for a short while, but soon found disfavor with his teacher Champeaux, the grand master of dialectic at the time, by refuting his arguments and proving himself several times to be the superior in debate. This shows Abelard's superior intellect at a very early age. This is no doubt a major reason for his individuality. One of his intellectual rank finds it hard to conform to others' standards, and naturally becomes a spectacle when showing his skills. This early conflict caused Abelard to leave and start his own school. Unfortunately, he could not maintain it and had to return home.Years later he was teaching in Paris again, he tells us how pupils flocked to him from every country in Europe, a statement which ... ... individual, Abelard titles the school controversial name of "Paraclete" as a way of reemphasizing his beliefs about God, causing enemies to attack him. He is again forced to leave for fear of injury or death.His refusal to conform to the certain norms of society was consistent even when his life was endangered. It comes to the point where he states, "But now Satan has put so many obstacles in my path that I can find nowhere to rest, or even to live; a fugitive and wanderer, I carry every where the curse of Cain" (p.102, ll.15-17). With standing all adversity Abelard proves himself definitely a true individual Through good times and bad, that is maybe his only constant. Even though in closing Abelard says, "This is my experience all the time; a poor monk raised to be an abbot, the more wretched as I have become more wealthy, in order that my example may curb the ambition of those who have deliberately chosen a similar course." (p.104, ll. 18-21), it is painfully clear that the lone path of individuality was the only route for him.Selected WorksBetty Radice, The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Penguin Books Ltd.: Harmonsworth, Middlesex, England. 1974.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Linear Time Structure of the Western World Essays -- Sociology, Cultur

Thanks to the linear time structure of the western world, time is no longer infinite. People of our culture constantly have to stress over rushing to arrive at an appointment on time, turning in an assignment by a particular day, or having a prepared meal on the table at 5 o’clock on the dot. As days are filled with schedules dictated by time, the time itself just seems to slip away. This passing of linear time creates the worry that life is too short and this generates the concern about death, especially about what happens when one dies. In the western world, we as a people are highly conscious of milestones measuring passing time as these marks signal the approach of the enigmatic death and remind us that our time is limited. Before diving into this argument, it is interesting to understand the origin of this time structure in our society. The western world’s idea of linear time comes from the Hebraic influence on the culture. Outside of the Judeo-Christian sphere many cultures developed abiding by circular time which is based on natural cycles and happenings, such as the movement of planets. Circular time embeds people into the natural world -- linear time allows people to follow their separate path and with this comes the ability to dominate. By following this time structure people can be free to understand history and progress (â€Å"Chapter VII: Western Culture and Its Sources†). It is quite ironic, then, that a structure that was once meant to liberate people has caused suffocation. This linear time structure has made time no longer seem infinite. This framework emphasizes a chronological order -- with time, of course, neatly organized into little intervals. This is drastically different from circular time which never ends ... ...intless if we do not know what the unavoidable death will bring. In the western society, our linear time structure has caused us to habitually separate time into intervals that consistently continue. The pressure these milestones place on people is enormous -- we are demanded to live life a certain way as there is always a time limit, even on the length of time we have in this world. Although these constraints tend to create the worry that life may not have meaning and bring with them the mystery of death, one must learn to emotionally separate oneself from this structure. Time as we have defined it is merely a human invention; aging and curiousness about the future are natural human instincts but when a man-made structure begins to cast a shadow of doubt on life’s meaning one must take a step back a realize that there is more to life than the ticking of a clock.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Balancing work, school and family life

Balancing career demands, family responsibilities, and college studies has never been an easy feat. Since time as a resource, has been and probably will always be scarce, we have to manage it as efficiently as possible. Seemingly, your time Is already being stretched too thin, with work and family obligations, so taking on the added responsibility of a college education, makes It even more daunting. But looking across the board of any spectrum of middle Income earners, one thing that we find common among them is a college degree. With that being said, many people find it an uphill task to obtain a degree.This is because they already have work and family obligations to contend with. However, with higher education being the way out of poverty for most people, they decide later in life to go to college, to pursue tertiary education. Even though pursuing a college education can be an uphill task, its benefits, outweighs any challenges it may present. In the end, it affords you and your f amily, the chance of getting ahead in life. One of the problems most people in this situation face is how much time they spend at the workplace. Whichever way you look at It, there are only twenty four hours In any given day.So more often than not, you will find yourself out of time, running late, trying to get from one particular engagement to the other, or turning In overdue writing assignments. Most people spend between eight to ten hours on the Job on a dally basis. In spite of the added responsibility of college work, you are still expected to meet productivity levels and even in some cases, exceed them. You have deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, and bosses to answer to. Now that you are a college student, the boss has found a way to give you more responsibilities. Of course this comes with some remuneration or your troubles.Brace yourself. Nobody said it was going to be easy. If it is easy, it probably wouldn't be worth much, anyway. There may be times when you will be so overwhelmed with this ‘balancing act' that, you will begin to second guess your decision. But rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth. Most times, by the time you get home you are completely exhausted. You still have a home to run, kids to take care of and a spouse to attend to. You settle In to cook dinner, to feed the family. Listen to how everybody day went. You Inspect their homework, scold where accessory, and praise where praise is due.At this juncture, you send everybody off to bed. You finally get some ‘me' time to yourself, only to be called upon to attend to some spousal duties. Oh lord when is this going to end? By the time you wiggle your way out of that, it is eleven pm. You need a ‘shut eye' badly, but one more thing. There is a writing assignment over due, so you decide to sacrifice a couple hours to get that paper done. You are awoken by your alarm clock at six in morning, still sitting at the desk in your attempt to complete your ass ignment. Another day is upon you, and the cycle continues.You somehow manage to get yourself up and waking everyone, you begin the process of getting them ready for school. It turned out you were able to complete the assignment, before sleep took over. In an hour or so, breakfast In the bellies, lunch boxes packed and backpacks strapped on, you file out ready to begin yet another day. You say a prayer to yourself. Slowly but surely, you are trekking on. You will get through this. In order to accomplish this task of strategies and prioritize. It is imperative to brainstorm. List all your daily engagements in a chronological order.Determining what tasks will be tackled first, which ones will be dealt with second, what will be third, and so forth, is the objective. The idea is to be able to free up some time in your regular schedule. Since all these tasks are of equal importance, you will have to make sure that none of them is ignored. It is always prudent to ask for help if you need o ne. A good way is to ask family and friends to help you out with the personal and family side of things. Let us face it. No one can study for you, that is, if you want to maintain the integrity of your education. Neither can anyone perform your duties at the office for you.This leaves he third option, family demands. Asking a family member to help out with picking up the kids from school, and help with the supervision of their homework, will go a long way to free up a few hours of your night, which you may then devote to your studies. You will be well advised to teach your kids to do some of the chores at home. Chores like the doing the dishes, the laundry, and the cleaning of the house can be undertaken by children. Asking your spouse to chip in where he or she hasn't previously. He or she can take up the cooking for three days of the week, or accommodate with leftovers in the refrigerator.Every little bit counts. Since things does not always go according to plan, having the abilit y to improvise in your arsenal, will serve you well. The act or art, of balancing a college education, work obligations, and family demands, maybe a very challenging ordeal. With that being said, it is not an impossible task. The pursuit of a college education, and all the problems associated with it, pales in comparison to its benefits. With perseverance, and great resolve, at the end of the day, will be worth the effort. You will be better off. It can be done, and has been done. With the wind, in your sail, Godspeed.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Operations Management †Hayes and Wheelwright Essay

The Hayes and Wheelwright model (Slack et al, 2009) is a useful way to classify the operations function of an organisation. Select your own organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, and identify at which stage of the Hayes and Wheelwright model you would currently place the operations function. Justify your positioning by drawing on relevant theory and practice. This paper discusses the operations strategy and management of the construction division of Larsen & Toubro Limited – the leading engineering, construction and technology conglomerate of India with an international presence in over 40 countries. I have spent 10 years working with the construction division in various capacities including a rewarding 5 year stint in the corporate head office reporting to the Vice President. Operations function is perhaps the most important function in most organizations, be it a product manufacturing or a service oriented company. The day to day operations, when considered in their totality actually reflect and in turn also constitute the organization’s long-term strategic direction (David Barnes, Operations Management: An International Perspective, 2007). This is in other words the operations strategy impacting the overall business strategy or the corporate strategy. Hayes and Wheelwright’s Model The Hayes and Wheelwright four stage model summarizes the operations contribution to overall strategy. In stage 1 the operations function is reactive and internally focused. Its best contribution is to avoid any big mistakes. In stage 2 the operations function aligns ideology with the best in the market and tries to adopt these. Its forward looking and willing to learn even the hard way and is externally neutral. In stage 3 the operations function is comparing notes with the best in the industry and also has reached a respectful place within the cross-functional company matrix and the other departments look to it for guidance. The operations function is internally supportive. In stage 4, the operations function is providing the foundation for competitive success by being innovative, proactive, and flexible, forward looking and correctly anticipating future, in short being one step ahead of competition.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Impaired Asset

IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS The following information relates to Q1 & Q2.Information about three assets are given below in the table:Aldo Balbo Casco Value in Use $150,000 $195,000 $105,000Carrying Amount $90,000 $140,000 $112,000Net Realizable Value $115,000 $136,000 $85,000 Q1. What are the recoverable amounts of each asset? (MCQ)Aldo ($115,000), Balbo ($136,000), Casco ($105,000)Aldo ($150,000), Balbo ($136,000), Casco ($105,000)Aldo ($150,000), Balbo ($195,000), Casco ($105,000)Aldo ($115,000), Balbo ($195,000), Casco ($85,000)(2 marks) Q2. What are the impairment losses on each asset? (MCQ)Aldo ($0), Balbo ($0), Casco ($0)Aldo ($0), Balbo ($55,000), Casco ($20,000)Aldo ($25,000), Balbo ($4,000), Casco ($7,000)Aldo ($0), Balbo ($0), Casco ($7,000)(2 marks) Q3. A cash-generating unit has the following assets:Building $600,000Plant & Machinery $100,000Goodwill $80,000Inventory $50,000Total $830,000One of the machines valued at $60,000 has been damaged & will be scrapped. The total recoverable amount estimated from the cash-generating unit is $470,000. What is the recoverable amount of the current assets after the impairment loss? (MCQ)$21,800$28,000$33,500$50,000 (2 marks) Q4. Which of the following correctly defines the recoverable amount of an asset? (MCQ)Current market value of the asset less cost of disposalHigher of fair value less cost of disposal & value in useHigher of carrying amount & fair valueLower of fair value less cost of disposal & value in use (2 marks) Q5. An asset has a carrying amount of $55,000 at the year-end 31st March 2002. Its market value is $47,000 having a disposal cost of $3,500. A new asset will cost $85,000. The company expects that the asset will generate $19,000/per annum of cash flows for the next three years. The cost of capital is 8%. What is the impairment loss to be recognized for the year end 31st March 2002? (FIB)3613151270000$ (2 marks) Q6. Which of the following are internal indications of impairment? (MRQ) A fall in the market value of a machine due to inflationThe management realized that an asset is unable to produce up to its full capacityA report prepared by the warehouse manager than one of the lifter cars has crashed into a wallThe development of intention of management to sell the asset during the next 3 months (2 marks) Q7. Moby had purchased an asset on 1st September 2009 at a cost of $500,000 with the useful life of ten years with no cash inflow at the time of disposal. The asset has been depreciated until 31st October 2014. At that date, an accident occurred which resulted in the damage of the asset & an impairment test was taken by Moby. On 31st October 2014, the fair value of the asset was $160,000 with $10,000 cost of disposal. The expected future cash flows were $13,000/annum for the next five years. The cost of capital is at 10% with five-year annuity factor of 3.79. Calculate the impairment on 31st October 2014? (MCQ)$0$100,000$150,970$200,730 (2 marks) Q8. A cash-generating unit has the following assets:Property & Plant $400,000Machinery $90,000Goodwill $75,000License $5,000Net Assets (realizable value) $30,000Total $600,000The company had breached a government legislation which results in its cash-generating unit value to fall by $200,000. What will be the value of Property & Plant after the impairment? (MCQ)$101,010$126,316$266,667$298,990 (2 marks) Q9. Which of the following is not an indicator of impairment? (MCQ)The NRV of inventory has reduced due to damages but carrying amount is still lowered it's than NRV Technological advancement has boomed in a country resulting old machinery becoming obsoleteCost of capital of a company has increased due to increase in market ratesThe carrying amount of an asset is higher of the recoverable amount of an asset (2 marks) Q10. A company purchased an asset on 1st January 2000 costing $2.1 million and its life was 10 years. On 31st December 2001, the fair value of the assets was $1.9 million. On 31st December 2002, the recoverable amount of the asset was $0.7 million. Calculate the impairment loss to be recorded in Profit ; Loss account on 31st December 2002? (FIB)3613151270000$ (2 marks) Q11. A cash-generating unit has the following assets:Building $409,050Plant ; Machinery $311,000Goodwill $30,500Inventory $156,000Total $906,550One of the plants valued at $91,000 was destroyed ; will be scrapped. The total recoverable amount estimated from the cash-generating unit is $760,050. What is the recoverable amount of the Plant ; Machinery after the impairment loss? (FIB)3613151270000$ (2 marks) Q12. Meagan had purchased an asset on 1st September 2015 at a cost of $300,000 with the useful life of six years with no residual value. The asset has been depreciated until 31st October 2020. At that date, the asset was damaged ; an impairment test was taken by Moby. On 31st October 2020, the fair value of the asset was $60,000 with a $3,000 cost of disposal. The expected future cash flows were $16,000/annum for the next five years. The cost of capital is at 13% with five-year annuity factor of 3.52. Calculate the impairment on 31st October 2020? (MCQ)$0$680$6,320$7,000(2 marks) Q13. A delivery van has a carrying amount of $39,000 at the year-end 31st March 2016. Its market value is $33,800 having a disposal cost of $1,250. A new delivery van will cost $46,500. The company expects that the van can generate $9,300/per year of cash flows for the next four years. The cost of capital is 5%. What is the impairment loss to be recognized for the year end 31st March 2016? (MCQ)$1,250$5,200$6,022$6,450(2 marks) Q14. ZZZ Co purchased a non-current asset on 1st January 2012 costing $3.75 million and its life was eight years. On 31st December 2013, the fair value of the non-current asset was $2.95 million. On 31st December 2014, the recoverable amount of the asset was $1.25 million. Calculate the impairment loss to be recorded in Profit ; Loss account on 31st December 2014 nearest to $000? (FIB)3613151270000$ 000 (2 marks) IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS (ANSWERS) Q1. CRecoverable amount is the higher of the Value in Use or the Net Realizable Value. Q2. DImpairment loss = Carrying amount – Recoverable amount = Positive (+) Aldo = $90,000 – $150,000 = (-$60,000) No ImpairmentBalbo = $140,000 – $195,000 = (-$55,000) No ImpairmentCasco = $112,000 – $105,000 = $7,000 Impairment Q3. DAssets which have their own impairment criteria do not fall under the scope of IAS 32 -Impairment of asset. Inventory is impaired under IAS 2 – Inventory where it is calculated by choosing lower of Cost or Net Realizable Value. Q4. B Q5. $6,037Value in UseCash Flow Discount Factor 8% Present Value19,000 0.926 $17,59419,000 0.857 $16,28319,000 0.794 $15,086Total PV $48,963Fair Value less Cost to sell = $47,000 – $3,500 = $43,500Higher of = $48,963Impairment Loss = $55,000 – $48,963 = $6,037 Q6.A fall in the market value of a machine due to inflation (External indication)The management realized that an asset is unable to produce up to its full capacity (Internal indication)A report prepared by the warehouse manager than one of the lifter cars has crashed into a wall (Internal indication)The development of intention of management to sell the asset during the next 3 months (Internal indication) Q7. BCarrying Amount = (500,000 Ãâ€" 5/10) = 250,000Fair value less cost to sell = (160,000 – 10,000) = 150,000Value in use = (13,000 Ãâ€" 3.79) = 49,270Recoverable amount $150,000, Impairment = 250,000 – 150,000 = $100,000 Q8. DThe total impairment of CGU is $200,000The goodwill is impaired by $75,000 leaving $125,000 of impairment to be allocated to other assets.Total of assets to be impaired is $495,000 (400 + 90 +5)Impairment = (400,000 à · 495,000) Ãâ€" 125,000 = 101,010Fair Value after impairment = 400,000 – 101,010 = $298,990 Q9. AThe NRV of the inventory is still greater than its carrying amount so no impairment has arisen Q10. $742,500Calculation done in $000Cost = 2,100Depreciation = (2,100 Ãâ€" 2/10) = 420Carrying amount (After 2 years) = 2,100 – 420 = 1,680Revaluation of asset = 1,680 1,900 = 220 in Revaluation ReserveNew Cost = 1,900Depreciation = (1,900 Ãâ€" 1/8) = 237.5Carrying amount (After 1 year) = 1,900 – 237.5 = 1,662.5Impairment loss = 1,662.5 – 700 = 962.5Reversal of Revaluation Reserve = $220Excess recorded in Profit ; Loss account = 962.5 – 220 = $742,500 Q11. $211,257The total impairment of CGU is $146,500The goodwill is impaired by $30,500 leaving $116,000 of impairment to be allocated to other assets. The plant is impaired by $91,000 leaving $25,000 of impairmentTotal of assets to be impaired is $629,050 (409,050 + 311,000 – 91,000)Impairment = (220,000 à · 629,050) Ãâ€" 25,000 = 8,743Fair Value after impairment = 220,000 – 8,743 = $211,257 Q12. ACarrying Amount = (300,000 Ãâ€" 1/6) = 50,000Fair value less cost to sell = (60,000 – 3,000) = 57,000Value in use = (16,000 Ãâ€" 3.52) = 56,320Recoverable amount $57,000, Impairment = 50,000 – 57,000 = $0 Q13. CValue in UseCash Flow Annuity Factor 5% (1-4) Present Value9,300 3.546 $32,978Total PV $32,978Fair Value less Cost to sell = $33,800 – $1,250 = $32,550Higher of = $32,978Impairment Loss = $39,000 – $32,978 = $6,022 Q14. $1,071,000Calculation done in $000Cost = 3,750Depreciation = (3,750 Ãâ€" 2/8) = 937.5Carrying amount (After 2 years) = 3,750 – 937.5 = 2,812.5Revaluation of asset = 2,812.5 2,950 = 137.5 in Revaluation ReserveNew Cost = 2,950Depreciation = (2,950 Ãâ€" 1/6) = 491.67Carrying amount (After 1 year) = 2,950 – 491.67 = 2,458.33Impairment loss = 2,458.33 – 1,250 = 1,208.33Reversal of Revaluation Reserve = $137.5Excess recorded in Profit ; Loss account = 1,208.33 – 137.5 = $1,070,830Nearest to $000 = $1,071,000

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chapter 10 Review Sheet Photosynthesis

Biol 1406, Instructor: Alice Zhou Updated 4/18/12 Chapter 10: Photosynthesis 1. Describe the energy transformation that occurs in photosynthesis. Solar energy to chemical energy specifically stored in sugar. SolarChemical energy (sugar) 2. Write the summary equation of photosynthesis. Solar + 6CO2 +6H2O C6H12O6+6O2 (simple)Complex 3. Photosynthesis produces organic sugar molecules. Where does the carbon come from in making the sugars? From carbon dioxide 4. Aerobic cellular respiration is catabolic, exergonic and oxygen requiring. What about photosynthesis?Anabolic, endergonic, O2-releasing 5. What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Autotrophs create their own food by photosynthesis heterotrophs don’t. 6. Name some photoautotrophs. Plants Algae Photosynthetic Bacteria 7. Draw and label these parts of chloroplasts: thylakoid, granum, stroma, outer and inner membrane. 8. What type of cells in a plant will contain chloroplast? What type of cells contain mitoch ondria and why? Every single plant cell will have mitochondria, some plant cells only the green ones will contain chloroplasts. 9. The Nature of Light and Pigments . What wavelength range is the source of light for photosynthesis? Gamma X-RaysU. VVisible (VIBGYOR: ROYGBIV backwards)Infrared Radio Small wavelength350nm750nmWavelength b. What are photons? * Massless * Carry fixed amount of energy (packet of energy) * Travels at speed of light c. What are pigment molecules? Selectively absorbing visible light (chemical) -350-450nm d. Name three types of photosynthetic pigments found in green plants. Note which one is the main one, which ones are accessory pigments. * Chlorophyll A (MAIN) * Chlorophyll B (minor %) * Carotenoid (minor %) e.What makes chloroplasts or leaves green and why? Green is being reflected because it is not absorbed. f. How can you easily separate them out experimentally? Paper Chromatography g. Plot an absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a. Be sure to use correct p arameters on x and y axis. 10. Organization of pigments in photosystems. a) What is the concept of a photosystem? b) Photosystems are organized into two subcomponents: * antenna complex: Lots of pigments (A, B, and carotenoids) Pigments along with some proteins that organize some pigments about 200 found, scaffold proteins reaction center complex A pair of chlorophyll A are found proteins are organized and shape reactions. PEA are bound here. * (T/F? ) In either complex, membrane proteins are present to anchor and support the functions of pigment and other organic molecules. 11. Light interacts with pigments h. When photons strike the pigment molecules in the chloroplast, what immediately happens? _ Photoexcitation_____. After that, what can happen to the electrons in the photosystem? Describe two outcomes in diagrams. Electrons fall back to ground state Electrons transferred to PEAElectrons fall back to ground state Electrons transferred to PEA i. In outcome 1, electrons fall back to ground state. Inductive resonance: energy of the excited electron, but not the electron itself, is transferred to a neighboring pigment molecule, exciting the second pigment molecule. Very little energy is lost in this ENERGY transfer. j. In outcome 2, electrons are transferred to PEA (Primary Electron Acceptor): _________ reaction has occurred. The pigment molecule that has lost the electrons is___________, whereas the PEA is reduced because it gains an electron.This actually happens to two chlorophyll a pigments (RCCA) located at reaction center in a photosystem. k. Draw a diagram of photosystem to illustrates both outcomes as photons interact with pigments: 12. Light reactions l. Describe the events that have led to the redox reaction at the reaction center. 1) Photon strike Antenna Pigments 2) Photoexcitation of pigment electrons 3) Inductive resonance 4) Photoexcitation of another pigment eventually 5) Energy passed on to RCCA (reaction center chlorophyll A) 6) Photoexcitati on of RCCA 7) m.Electrons from PEA flow â€Å"downhill† in energy level through a series of electron carriers embedded in thylakoid membrane. Energy lost by the electrons is used to synthesize ____________ molecules through ______________________ process, similar in mechanisms to oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. n. Ultimately electrons are passed from the electron carriers to ___________ and reduce it to NADPH by the enzyme NADP+ reductase. o. Draw a diagram of the above events. Note the direction of pumping, diffusion and the site of ATP synthesis. p.Trace the electron flow in light reactions starting from the source of electrons. (non-cyclic electron flow) q. What supplies the source of all of the electrons in this electron flow to make sure that RCCA will not run out of electrons? What is the by-product of this donation of electrons to RCCA? r. Light reactions produce ATP and NADPH. Why is the synthesis of these two compounds necessary? s. Sum it up: What go into the light reaction and what come out of the light reaction? List all components. 13. Now let’s move onto the next stage: Calvin cycle t. What does it accomplish? . Where does Calvin cycle occur? v. What is the key enzyme? What is special about this enzyme? w. The immediate product of Calvin cycle is G3P _________________________. What other products can be made out of G3P? 14. Integrating Light Reaction with Calvin Cycle. (understand the relationship) x. What is the overall flow of electrons in photosynthesis? y. As you turn off the light in your room, the plant in your room ceases light reactions immediately, what about Calvin cycle reactions? z. If an inhibitor inhibits Calvin cycle, would the light reaction keep going?

Friday, September 13, 2019

TNA - Navy Federal Credit Union Part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

TNA - Navy Federal Credit Union Part II - Essay Example It was also identified that employees struggle with situations where they need to inform inquiring customers of information about the company that they least know about. This kind of unexpected performance can be associated with the lack of certain working techniques that are expected of employees servicing any financial institution. After research and extensive study, it was identified that an objective training program could instrumentally work towards generating desired worker qualifications at the federation. Allison Rossett and Lisa Schafer-2012 in Job Aids and Performance Support, cite objective training as a possible solution for under-performance of otherwise qualified employees (Rossett & Schafer, 2007). The actual performance of employees dictates the overall performance of a company. However, there is a set level of individual performance that is expected of employees at a company. This expected level of performance is rarely achieved. When the Actual performance is lower than the expected performance at whatever level of delivery, a performance Gap that is relatively more specific is normally created. This performance gap is a measure of the difference between the expected performance and the actual performance levels of a company. On an average scale, most of the tellers at Navy Union are giving in lesser input per day and this can be associated with customer relations and PR conditions at the company. The company’s Money’s and customer relations training program w ill work toward increasing the referrals of the tellers and generally raising their confidence levels when dealing with customers that creates an expected â€Å"good† name of the company (Blanchard& Thacker, 2010). After the identification of the performance gap and settling on training as a solution, the Navy Union could now provide its employees with a set of expected outcomes of the training so that when they go into the training program, they are aware

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Take home exam for law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Take home exam for law and ethics - Essay Example It is in this respect wherein the concept of the best practices in corporate governance emerged. An important element that constitutes best practices in corporate governance is transparency. This can be in the form of disclosure, which most capital markets require from its listed companies. What is recommended here is for such corporate policy to be codified as part of the organization’s rules and regulations. For example, Berghe wrote that majority of best practices in corporate governance in the area of transparency is the explicit rule in the code that financial performance, including the related interests of the members of the board should be reported in the annual report to shareholders.1 In addition to the disclosure of the financial reports, best practices mandate that other pertinent information should also be made available, including, but not limited to, instances of share ownership and voting rights. The names of the board members, managers (including their compensation) should not remain hidden as well. The significance of these variables variable has been demonstrated in the bankruptcy of Enron. It was only during the intense media and government scrutiny after the company announced its financial woes that the exorbitant compensation packages of its executives were revealed along with its â€Å"creative† accounting practices. Certainly, the importance of disclosure in corporate governance is particularly highlighted during crises. If full transparency is ensured, audit, performance evaluations, and other assessments and mechanisms can function properly in order to ensure that the organization is on track in achieving its objectives and compatible with sound corporate governance. Another component of best practices is the explicit rule in a corporate code of best practices to establish ethical and corporate governance standards. A number of stock

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Mix for Fiat Essay

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Mix for Fiat 500 - Essay Example Maintaining consistency in marketing messages in an era of information democracy with a judicious mix of old and new media to presents more visibility cheaply while pointing to an interactive website that helps consumers make their mind is the way to go for the Fiat 500. An advertising message that highlights the unique capability of the Fiat 500 to upgrade to an electric car delivered on billboards outside of retail stores, on buses and outside of underground stations will present heightened consumer interest cheaply to enhance the effectiveness of the marketing communications mix. Consumers can interact with a website mentioned on the advertisement to seek further information on the Fiat 500 electric car, with social media, print, email, etc. adding support as necessary. Contents Introduction 1 The Role of Communications in the Marketing of the Fiat 500 3 An Advertisement for the Fiat 500 7 Conclusion 8 Appendix A – An Advertisement for Fiat 500 10 Bibliography / References 12 (This page intentionally left blank) Introduction It is important that the planning and execution of all types of advertising-like and promotion-like messages selected for a brand, product, service or company satisfy a common set of communication objectives to support a ‘positioning’ cost effectively (Percy, 2008, Pp. 5 – 10). ... ? 10) goes further to suggest that it makes sense to present a certain consistency in marketing messages in an era of information democracy because it is impossible to create brands in five minutes and marketing messages must position, integrate marketing channels and communications, protect a brand and add value to it. In addition, it makes sense for messages to focus on enhancing relationships with communities while remaining aware of consumer generated content models and evolution of technology. Thus, according to Pattuglia (2011, Pp. 7 – 10), a judicious mix of media, both old and new, that responds to the consumption habits of the traditional consumer, and the new consumer is essential for an effective marketing communication mix. However, while it is likely that products will become multi-platform with consumption and communication encompassing different marketing channels, the outstanding design attributes and prospects of a product must merit an emphasis in the communi cation mix to seek the attention of consumers to emphasise a satisfaction of their needs, aspirations and dreams (Posavac, 2012, Pp. 22 – 30). Fiat, which built its first car in 1899, is one of the pioneers in the automobile industry (Cammarata, 2006, Pp. 5 – 10). However, after the success of Fiat’s Grande Punto, which helped reduce the debt of Fiat from Euro 10 billion to just over Euro 1 billion, Fiat is now counting on the success of the new Fiat 500 on the global markets (Griffiths, 2007, Pp. 14 – 15) and (Automotive Engineer, 2010, Pp. 5). The design of the Fiat 500 aims to acknowledge the past without remaining captive to it and to cater to the needs of the future. Fiat 500’s fully integrated robotised engine, the 1.4 MultiAir, presents revolutionary valve management but Fiat

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

This paper needs to be a RESEARCH PAPER on THE LIFE OF CLAUDETTE Essay

This paper needs to be a RESEARCH PAPER on THE LIFE OF CLAUDETTE COLVIN - Essay Example It was at the age of 15 that the said event happened to her. She came from a lower class family as her father finds income in mowing lawn and her mother was a maid, a situation that made other people doubt if she can be an effective symbol ofinjustice in addition to her being too dark-skinned and too young (Congress of Racial Equality) . Although young and poor, Claudette Colvin is seen to have had the stand against the racial discrimination that her people are experiencing. Her battle has not only begun in the bus incident, but it has just become the fruit of countless incidents of unfairness that she has experienced, especially from what she learned in school. On that day of her arrest, Colvin has done a school paper on the topic of prohibiting black people to try on white clothes in department stores. This is just one of the many forms of discrimination that the black people have suffered during that era. The forms of discrimination can be categorized into four. One is racial segregation in which in law, public facilities and government services there was an unequal separation between white and black domains, disenfranchisement which forced black off the voting roll, exploitation which comes in terms of economic oppression particularly employment discrimination and violence which includes both individual and mass racial violence (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc)3. Among the black people, who together with Claudette Colvin has stood up for equality were Rosa Parks who also refused to stand up and accommodate White people on the bus and Martin Luther King Jr., a young Baptist minister who became the President of Montgomery Improvement Association (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Rosa Parks was later known as the â€Å"Mother of the Modern-day Civil rights Movement† (Wikimedia Foundations, Inc.). On May 2, 1955, after coming from the school,

Texting While Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Texting While Driving - Essay Example The reality is that every day thousands of text messages and emails are sent and read from behind the wheel by America drivers, and indeed drivers all over the world. Driving while texting has been claimed to cause accidents for the following reasons; it reduces concentration and prevents the driver from focusing on the road and the cars ahead beside or behind him/her. This is because texting takes up a good deal of sensory, motor faculties which are required for drivers to put their full focus on the road. As a result, they are likely to veer off the road and/or cause accidents resulting in fatalities for the driver passenger’s pedestrians and other road users. Despite this, others claim that texting while driving is fine and no more dangerous than eating or talking to the passenger next to the driver in the car. In fact, by virtue of driving itself being dangerous, we have speed and age limits; therefore, it transpires then that if one is qualified to drive he/she should als o be qualified to text while driving. However, if the argument is followed to its logical conclusions it will imply actions be banned based on the rate of death. In such a situation texting and driving would not be the only thing banned, even driving itself would be outlawed given its high death toll even in the absence of distractions. Bearing in mind that texting has become almost second nature to most people, it begs the question whether people should be encouraged to avoid driving and texting or trained on how to do both. Quizzed on the effects of this, proponents of this debate assert that they did not find texting while driving to be a significant risk; some are of the opinion that texting is no more different from using GPRS to check for directions (Stephens). The American federal and state laws have tried to limit mobile phone activity while driving, and this has included banns or limitations from calling or texting while driving. However, it is notable that the matter is no t unequivocally agreed on since not every state has banns on texting or calling while driving. Thirty nine states have banned texting and driving while five have outlawed the same for novice drivers; school bus drivers in 19 states are not allowed to make phone calls, only in three states are they forbidden to text while driving; Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas (â€Å"Cellphone and texting laws†). In year 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration realized that the number of Americans texting or otherwise manipulating cellphones and driving had risen to 0.9 percent (â€Å"Driver Electronic Device Use in 2010†). Majority of those who text while driving, fall in the teenage and young driver bracket, and they are likely to do more than just text since with smart phones they can access Facebook and other social networking sites which may be more involving than texting. Ultimately, despite the many opinions on the issue, the law seems bent on outlawing the pra ctice since the opinion of the majority is apparently not in favor of allowing it. This can be seen in that most states have outlawed it, and in most cases should a police officer find someone driving and texting in this states they may charge you with dangerous driving. One of the leading insurance firms in the country, nationwide insurance has also strongly supported the ban for Texting While Driving-TWD (â€Å"Nationwide Insurance†¦

Monday, September 9, 2019

International Contract jurisdiction hypothetical Essay

International Contract jurisdiction hypothetical - Essay Example breach of contract committed in Queensland, regardless of where the contract was made and whether or not the breach was preceded of accompanied by a breach...rendering impossible the performance of a part of the contract that ought to be performed in Queensland† (Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (124)(1)(i)). In this case, the rules probably will not give the court jurisdiction. The contract was not made in Queensland – the contract was executed in England. It also states that service is permitted if the contract is governed by the law of Queensland. The contract did not state which law governed, so this clause does not have effect. So, now the other two clauses must be examined – that service would be permitted if the breach of contract was committed in Queensland. Was the breach of contract committed in Queensland? Probably not. The breach occurred in England, as the consignment was packed in England, and the packing of the consignment was the cause of the damage. The other clause is that service is permitted when the contract is made by one or more parties carrying on business or residing in Queensland. The contract was executed by Global Freighting in England, and they do not reside in Queensland. However, they are carrying on business in Queensland, so this might be a basis for service. However, the term â€Å"carrying on business† is kind of vague – is it enough that Global Freighting made a contract with a Queensland company – would this be considered to be â€Å"carrying on business?† If this is not a basis for jurisdiction, then we need to look at other connecting factors. They are residence, domicile or presence of defendant in the courts jurisdiction (Akbarali v. Brent LBC). In this case, none of these connecting factors are present – defendant does not reside in Queensland, is not domiciled and has never been to Queensland. Therefore, connecting factors would not give Queensland jurisdiction either. Plus, the doctrine of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

CPA or a Contract Specialist Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CPA or a Contract Specialist - Assignment Example There are two occupational areas I would like to pursue, and these are: to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a Contract Specialist for the government. Let me tackle each profession separately so I can present them individually and in greater detail. I’d like to be a CPA because the demand for this type of job has not diminished in the last 5 to 10 years. I also find this profession challenging and very interesting, and this career also offers a lot of possible options on the lateral level, and as you go up the occupational ladder.The educational requirements to be a CPA varies dependent on the State you are applying to. For some, a baccalaureate degree in Accounting would suffice. However, in others, additional Accounting courses in the graduate level would have to be taken and some other exams have to be passed. Still others require a Master’s Degree in Accounting or Business Administration.. Accountants deal with numbers a lot. Every company is usually depende nt on the accounting department for their financial statements, tax computations, salaries and wages among other things. CPAs are usually hired by private companies as full-time or part-time consultant, or are employed full-time in Accounting and Auditing Firms. From this end, accountants make great use of their time and talent in assisting individuals, corporations, government and private corporations in trying to make sense of all the figures which affect the company in more ways than one. Consequently, the ever-increasing requirement for CPAs is further intensified.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Stonemason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Stonemason - Essay Example The Stonemason tale is created with a great regard of the history the United States. McCarthy questions who would run the world if history swallows everybody up (74). The African American population regards greatly the efforts displayed by their ancestors in fighting for their freedom and rights. This fact creates the entire legacy that the African American population enjoys. This specific population group believes that they have achieved what they have by right. Additionally, they vow to value what their proprietors fought for and set aside of them. As Brooks writes, Marmee cannot stop weeping as she narrates to March how a slave had had been branded with a red-hot iron on his face (87). The rights of these slaves is what March believes in and in time, March joins the Underground Railroad to help fleeing slaves get to free countries. As an African American descendant, Ben The Stonemason believes that it was by God’s grace they were redeemed from the shadows of racisms. McCarthy points out that ‘we were pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand (64). This shows that the fact they have freedom in the United States the black population feel that they have everything to be thankful for what they enjoy in the modern century. Additionally, McCarthy portrays the African American population in The Stonemason to be very religious. This cultural preference is due to the fact that the legacy of the Civil War brings out the character of thanks giving to the black population (64). ... This shows that the fact they have freedom in the United States the black population feel that they have everything to be thankful for what they enjoy in the modern century. Additionally, McCarthy portrays the African American population in The Stonemason to be very religious. This cultural preference is due to the fact that the legacy of the Civil War brings out the character of thanks giving to the black population (64). In The Stonemason Ben believes that the scripture holds the basic requirements of one behavior, ‘you go against the scripture you are on your own, the man up there is not going to help you’ (McCarthy 63). On a negative note, the African Americans are argued to be misunderstanding the legacy the Civil War brought to the society. This is because of the increased conflicts between them. In The Stonemason, Ben lost his nephew, Soldier, due to the street battles. The creation of gangs in championing for the rights of the youths has gone against what the anc estors fought for in the civil war. However, McCarthy points out that it is these small acts of valor may all that is visible of great movements of courage within (131). The African American population respects and acknowledges the Civil War and the efforts by their predecessors in redeeming the population group, but it is because of him that I am not reduced by these mysteries but am one more among them (McCarthy 97). They value their right to operate without discrimination whatsoever in a nation where their grandparents struggled for recognition in the normal society. In The Stonemason, Ben orders Soldier to stay off the streets and gangs and go to school. He also offers him a working

Friday, September 6, 2019

Domestic reforms in the period up to 1529 Essay Example for Free

Domestic reforms in the period up to 1529 Essay With what success did Wolsey carry through his domestic reforms in the period up to 1529? Wolsey was a fortunate man and with some success carried through the domestic reforms. He usually had the aim to achieve greater power and more control. In this essay I will study how successful Wolsey actually was and why. Wolsey became Lord Chancellor in 1515, which gained him the most important office of the State. He was also at the very centre of government. Living so close to West Minster and the Royal Courts of Justice gave Wolsey the opportunity to parade around and demonstrate the power he had as Henry VIIIs chief minister and leading chairman. Wolsey managed to retain the kings favour and was therefore with some success able to carry through his own domestic reforms. He certainly didnt want many people influencing the king and so kept and eye on the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber. Henry VIII used the Privy Chamber as Henry VII had done but rather than being alone he liked to be surrounded by gentlemen of his own age. These men were extremely close to the king and could exercise considerable influence. By 1518 Wolsey became concerned by this and so placed his own man, Richard Pace to be gentlemen in audience of the King. After this he seized his chance and expelled many of the minions for bad influence or sent them to do jobs away from the centre of power. Wolsey had managed to keep his power by encouraging the King in his pleasures and therefore had his chance to strike again, this time with the suggestion of reforming the government. Henry interested in this willingly agreed. Wolsey managed to expel the minions with such success that he had no need to carry on reforming. This suggests that Wolsey tried to maintain sole influence over the King. I think that because Henry wasnt a great deal interested, Wolsey had a better chance of success and having had the power to persuade the king also helped him to succeed. In 1526 Wolsey also proposed to reform the royal household, the Eltham Ordinances were introduced. Theses were designed to give Wolsey as much control as possible over those close to the king and reduce the size of the Privy Chamber. Wolsey was successful with this as the amount of people went from 12 down to 6. He managed to remove his chief enemy, William Compton, and replace him with Henry Norris. Wolsey also devised a council attendant on the king but made sure they were always busy elsewhere. Wolsey was successful in reforming the household and this is shown by the things he managed to do. The changes were meant to cut costs but once he had achieved his objectives and removed the people who may influence the king he had no reason to proceed. Wolseys greatest impact was in legal reform. In 1516 he put forward a reforming plan which was intended to end the corruption in the legal system and provide cheap and impartial justice. This reform was a success in that he exposed and punished many individuals. He based the centre of his work with the court of the Star Chamber. Wolsey made this court very popular and the evidence to prove this is that it had 120 cases per year, which was 10 times the annual total Henry VII had in his reign. Wolsey was successful as he put the Earl of Northumberland into prison for corruption of the court and in 1517 he sent a royal chancellor, Sir Robert Sheffield, to the tower for being an accessory to a crime. Respect for Wolsey increased because of this, but enemies were also made. A quote from Wolsey to the King shows how successful he was and how much power he did have to exercise. And for your realm, Our Lord be thanked, it was never in such peace or tranquillity: for all this summer I have neither of riot, felony, nor forcible entry, but that your laws be in every place indifferently (fairly) ministered, without leaning in any manner. The letter goes on to say how successful in reforming the laws in the Star Chamber but also that he had some power over the King as he writes how he is going to deal with the two men rather than asking what he should do. He explains that people will understand the new law of the Star Chamber. Wolsey also had some success with the Court of Chancery as he managed to increase the work. Wolsey has been credited with making a major contribution to English law through his decisions, which created precedents. He managed to establish a permanent judical committee dealing with cases brought by the poor, who he favoured, which created enemies of richer people. Wolsey wanted to see courts available for the poor and weak, since they stood little chance against the rich and strong in common law courts where large sums of money was required to succeed. Yet within these courts many honest people were put on trial. A contemporary source, the Chronicle of Edward Hall dated 1526 explains how Wolsey letting the poor people have a court led to innocent people being punished. The poor people perceived that he punished the rich, then they complained without number, and brought many an honest man to trouble and vexation. Here I think Wolsey achieved his objectives and also achieved successfully reforming the Court of Chancery. Wolsey managed to reform administration and finance with some success. He built up the Kings affinity in each locality by appointing the kings servants or his own to key country positions. In local government he gained his centralising drive with some accomplishment as the local officials responded more rapidly and efficiently to royal instructions. Wolsey wanted to have control in every sector and with the reformations he did manage to achieve his objectives with many successes. It is said that Wolsey made an important contribution to Tudor finance. He managed to develop the tax, which is now known as a subsidiary. Wolsey also changed the inadequate fixed rates and yields for a flexible system based on accurate valuations of taxpayers wealth. This proved very successful as people were only paying what they could afford. Wolsey wasnt able to manage parliament well, which was probably because of his temperament and the impossibility of winning taxation for wars that had already happened. This domestic policy did create enemies and for this reason it was quite unsuccessful in the early 1520s. Wolsey soon lacked humility and lost some ability of being able to persuade, so economic benefit for the crown was little and people became hostile. Wolsey demanded the Amicable Grant. It was a non-parliamentary tax, but it did not prove successful as he had hoped. It led to rebellion in East Anglia and many other places just refused to pay. This was a huge failure for Wolsey as the rebels won and the Amicable Grant was abandoned. Wolsey was also relatively unsuccessful when he tried to change the law about enclosures. He saw them as a moral evil as many Tudor commentators had done. Unfortunately Wolsey saw the enclosures as the landowners being greedy and didnt see them as a long term economic change that was producing inflation. Yet he did still try to be an economic reformer. A letter to Wolsey from the Bishop of Lincoln in September 1528 explains how badly villages have been affected for the worst by the enclosures. Your heart would mourn to see the towns, villages, hamlets, manor places, in ruin and decay, the people gone, the ploughs laid down, the living of many honest husbandmen in one mans hand, ht common in many places taken away from then poor people. The Bishop of Lincoln in the letter also explains how he is supporting the reformation and how the people pray for it. Never saw people so glad as they are now, hoping the King and Wolsey will see reformation made. They pray for the King and your Grace everywhere. With the enclosures I think Wolsey was seeing only what he wanted to see and since he favoured poor people only saw in favour of them, this is why this domestic reform was unsuccessful. Although, he did prove himself to be energetic and well intentioned, even if he did fail. Wolsey did come up with other ways to carry through his domestic reforms. One of the ways was to reform the church. He was the most powerful churchman in England and so in 1519 he said he was going to reform the clergy. He wanted to improve both church and state when he was dealing with political enemies at court in that year. This plan was not very successful as he made plans but nothing really became of them. There were great demands for reforming clerical life and Wolsey knew this, he also knew that the privileged status of the clergy was resented. Wolsey wasnt terribly successful in reforming the church and he said that he may not have paid enough attention to it. He said, If I had served God as diligently as I have done the King This suggests that he didnt pay enough attention it, as he would have liked. However, he did pave the way for what happened in the 1530s, as he was involved in all aspects of the church. Churchmen became used to orders and enquiries from the crown, but the disadvantages of this was that their independence was reduced and therefore it became harder to re assert in time of a crisis. In conclusion, Wolsey did carry through some of his domestic reforms with some success. The only reason some of them werent successful is because of how he reacted in certain situations, for example the enclosures. Wolsey was a very powerful man and knew how to persuade the King, and this was usually how he achieved success, the people that got in the way were his enemies. Even though he did have some failures he did carry on, but usually for his own interest, to gain full power. In certain ways he did improve things for others, he especially tried to improve things for the poor. I think this is because he used to be poor himself and so wanted to make a better life for others. Overall Wolsey did carry through domestic policies with some success, even if he was trying to fulfil his own objectives.